Union Home Mortgage
8241 Dow Circle, Strongsville, OH 44136
Internal Reviews
(1 review)
Total loans closed with Loan Factory
Total loans closed with Loan Factory (past 12 months)
Lender overview
Basic information
UHM Partners can reach out to the Internal UHM Partner Support Hotline at 567-302-0666 (ext 2153) or InsuranceClaims@uhm.com. The Hotline is for Internal UHM Partner use ONLY and is not to be provided to Borrowers. Please see the contact link above for information that can be provided to borrowers.
Mortgagee Clause for Hazard and Flood Insurance Policies Union Home Mortgage Corp ISAOA/ATIMA C/O CENLAR P.O. Box 202028 Florence, SC 29502-2028 Closing Protection Letter Address: 8241 Dow Circle W., Strongsville, OH 44136
Lock policies & Fees
Lock Policies
3 days: 0.125
7 days: 0.21
10 days: 0.25
15 days: 0.375
20 days: 0.5
30 days: 0.625
Lender's niche & Overlays
We are very strong at tougher Government Loans (FHA /US & USDA), scores down to 600 with no hit for manual underwrites.
Very good at manufactured homes (double /singlewides) and Condo’s.
Pricing on 95 & 97% conventional but no escrow waivers
Conventional Escrow Waiver Policy – Over 80.0% LTV
- Maximum LTV of 90%.
- Minimum 720 credit score.
- No reserve requirement outside of AUS findings.
- DTI must be equal to or less than 43.0%.
- Current taxes and insurance may not be delinquent at time of application.
- The borrower pays a fee of bp 50 (.50%/.005), or this fee is covered in loan pricing.
- Senior Management review is required for approval of the escrow waiver, prior to application. Approval is specific to a review of credit and additional assets.
- All general requirements noted in this section are met.
- Secondary must report all closings above 80% LTV with an escrow waiver to GAP monthly.
Lender turn time
Review - Union Home Mortgage
1 Google Reviews
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